
Hajj Qualification Course
A simplified explanation of the Prophet's Hajj, Allah' blessing and peace be upon him, step by step, by mentioning the pilgrimage in accordance with the chronology of the Hajj days, According to the authentic Sunnah of the Messenger, Allah' blessing and peace be upon him, and the narrations of the Companions and Followers, may Allah be pleased with them, We ask Allah - Almighty - to accept it sincerely for His noble sake, and to benefit from it.
Hajj Qualification Course
A simplified explanation of the Prophet's Hajj, Allah' blessing and peace be upon him, step by step, by mentioning the pilgrimage in accordance with the chronology of the Hajj days, According to the authentic Sunnah of the Messenger, Allah' blessing and peace be upon him, and the narrations of the Companions and Followers, may Allah be pleased with them, We ask Allah - Almighty - to accept it sincerely for His noble sake, and to benefit from it.
Cours de qualification pour le Hajj
Une explication simplifiée du Hajj du Prophète, bénédiction et paix sur lui, étape par étape, en mentionnant le pèlerinage conformément à la chronologie des jours du Hajj, D'après la Sunna authentique du Messager, que la bénédiction et la paix d'Allah soient sur lui, et les récits des compagnons et des disciples, qu'Allah les agrée, Nous demandons à Allah - Tout-Puissant - de l'accepter sincèrement pour Son noble amour et d'en bénéficier.
Tirhab Program
Tirhab Program to explain life skills and supportive information for employees in the Guest of Allah Service Sector
Convoys Management Skills
Important skills for managing people and convoys ,Dealing with crises and emergencies and Ways of pilgrims awareness, Training and qualifying of employees in the Guest of Allah Service Sector (group leaders).
The Art of Dealing with the Guests of Allah
The overall objective of the program is to develop the skills of male and female supervisors in the arts of dealing with different types of people from the guests of Allah.